Playing paintball with a psiball is a fun activity for developing psychics. It is a great way to develope techniques for making psiballs, and throwing them. For this, you need to know how to make a psiball (don't worry about making them visible, that will take practice.)
Start out by making a psiball. it doesnt have to be any fancy kind, it just has to be a psiball.
Program your psiball to partially collapse on impact and make an illusion of a paint splatter (remember: the paint splatter has to be in a certain color).
Try and separate the psiball from your own energy. This will prepare it for throwing.
Make your psiball want to move, and give it a toss.
Make a psiball paintball gun.
Start out by making a regular psiball, but make it in the shape of a paintball gun.
Program it to shoot out psiballs every time you do a certain action, such as flick your shoulder outwards.
- You can make this game as complicated or as simple as you want.
- You can play indoors or outdoors.
- You can allow the use of psi shields.
- Try making Psiballs as fast as you can and shoot them as fast as you can so you can win (if your playing 1 shots out tournament)
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