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Check out this how-to video to improve your palm reading skills. Watch a few tips on how to read the fate line of your or someone else's palms. This video palmistry tutorial will help you divine the f ...
A supposed real grey alien caught on tape at the side of a road in California. Is this footage finally proof that grey aliens are visiting Earth? Has the alien invasion already begun? The man who film ...
From UFOs to geographical anomalies, today on ApexTV we look at 6 mysterious photos from the moon. A strange supposed two mile high spire sticking out of the surface of the moon, and a supposed triang ...
Today we take a look at 5 insanely creepy deep sea creatures. From deep sea sharks that swallow their victims whole to eels that can eat animals several times their size, there are some pretty creepy ...
Today we look at the top 5 creepiest discoveries. From giant unexplained stone balls to a house with walls full of snakes, there have been some pretty creepy discoveries. What discovery do you think w ...
Is this a real butterfly-shaped UFO caught on tape over Ohio by a father and son? What do you think? ...
An astronaut on the ISS took a picture of what some people are calling a UFO and posted it to Twitter. The astronaut, Scott Kelly, recently achieved the world record for the longest time spent in spac ...
Here is a too good to be true UFO sighting in Texas. This image of a UFO is part of a YouTube video that has gotten over 140,000 views. The video is of a supposed UFO sighting in Texas. The footage sh ...
Here is a scary video of a real grey alien caught on tape in a barn. Is is real? What do you think? The video shows an alien first peeking it's head through a crack in a door before eventually slammin ...